

Key/Symbol KeyCode Explanation
Backspace 8 Back space (Backspace) key.
Tab 9 Tab key
Enter 13 Enter key.
ShiftLeft/ShiftRight 16 Shift key.
ControlLeft/ControlRight 17 Ctrl (control) key.
AltLeft/AltRight 18 Alt (alternate) key (PC only; Mac users have Option key).
Pause 19 Pause key.
CapsLock 20 Caps lock key.
Escape 27 Esc (escape) key
Space 32 Spacebar key.
Page Up 33 Page up or pg up key.
Page Down 34 Page down or pg dn key.
End 35 End key.
Home 36 Home key.
ArrowLeft 37
ArrowUp 38
ArrowRight 39
ArrowDown 40
PrintScreen 44 Print Screen key.
Insert 45 Insert key.
Delete 46 Delete or Del key.
OSLeft 91 PC keyboards have a Windows key that looks like a four-pane window/Apple Mac computers have a command key.
OSRight 92 PC keyboards have a Windows key that looks like a four-pane window/Apple Mac computers have a command key.
ContextMenu 93 PC keyboards also have a menu key that looks like a cursor pointing to a menu
ScrollLock 145


Key/Symbol KeyCode
F1 112
F2 113
F3 114
F4 115
F5 116
F6 117
F7 118
F8 119
F9 120
F10 121
F11 122
F12 123
F13 124
F14 125
F15 126
F16 127
F17 128
F18 129
F19 130
F20 131
F21 132
F22 133
F23 134
F24 135


Key/Symbol name KeyCode
0 Digit0 48
1 Digit1 49
2 Digit2 50
3 Digit3 51
4 Digit4 52
5 Digit5 53
6 Digit6 54
7 Digit7 55
8 Digit8 56
9 Digit9 57


Key/Symbol name KeyCode
A KeyA 65
B KeyB 66
C KeyC 67
D KeyD 68
E KeyE 69
F KeyF 70
G KeyG 71
H KeyH 72
I KeyI 73
J KeyJ 74
K KeyK 75
L KeyL 76
M KeyM 77
N KeyN 78
O KeyO 79
P KeyP 80
Q KeyQ 81
R KeyR 82
S KeyS 83
T KeyT 84
U KeyU 85
V KeyV 86
W KeyW 87
X KeyX 88
Y KeyY 89
Z KeyZ 90


Key/Symbol name keyCode
! exclamation mark or bang
@ the 'at' symbol or ampersat
# the number sign ('hash' symbol UK or 'pound' symbol US)
$ Dollar sign
Euro sign
£ Pound Sterling sign
% percent sign
^ caret
& the ampersand
* asterisk (or splat for the geeks), multiply symbol
( opening parenthesis
) closing parenthesis
; semicolon 186
: colon 186
+ plus 187
= Equals 187
< less than 188
, comma 188
- Minus, hyphen, en dash 189
_ underscore 189
. full stop (International) / period (American) 190
> great than 190
/ (forward) slash or 'virgule' (line break when quoting text), divide symbol 191
? question mark 191
` Backquote 192
~ tilde 192
IntlRo 193
[ BracketLeft 219
{ opening brace 219
\ Backslash 220
| bar (or pipe for unix geeks) 220
] BracketRight 221
} closing brace 221
apostrophe or single quotation mark 222
quotation mark 222
IntlYen 255
the pilcrow or paragraph symbol
§ the section symbol
¦ broken bar


Key/Symbol KeyCode
Num Lock 144
Numpad0 96
Numpad1 97
Numpad2 98
Numpad3 99
Numpad4 100
Numpad5 101
Numpad6 102
Numpad7 103
Numpad8 104
Numpad9 105
NumpadAdd 107


Key/Symbol KeyCode
Volume Mute 173
Volume Down 174
Volume Up 175
Play/Stop 179
